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In Memory – Fall 2024


Please email In Memory or Tributes to:  uncmagazine@castingmoldingmachine.com

November 13, 2024

  • 1940s

    Beverley Dyer, B.A. ’41

    Irene Houtchens, B.A. ’48

    Betty Schlagel, B.A. ’49

  • 1950s

    Beth Singkofer, B.A. ’50, M.A. ’66

    Bea Hungenberg, B.A. ’51

    Allen Deck, M.A. ’52

    Laurie McLaughlin, B.A. ’52

    Dewey Adams, M.A. ’53

    Rose Hall, B.A. ’53

    Marian Muske, M.A. ’53

    Dora Schell, B.A. ’53

    Harriet Parsons, B.A. ’54

    Lucile Reeder, B.A. ’54

    Ernest Matuschka, M.A. ’55

    Gloria Porter, B.A. ’55

    Audrey Tam, B.A. ’55

    Chet Buckley, M.A. ’56

    Evelyn Marvin, B.A. ’56, M.A. ’60

    Oscar Ridings, B.A. ’56

    Leonard Sinclair, B.A. ’56

    Ernie Stumpf, B.A. ’56

    Phillip Tompkins, B.A. ’56

    Jan Coates, B.A. ’57

    Dorothy Doutt, B.A. ’57

    Francis Roche, M.A. ’57

    Bob Trautmann, M.A. ’57, Ed.D. ’64

    Ed Craig, B.A. ’58, M.A. ’64

    Ed Green, B.A. ’58, M.A. ’63

    Millie Marsh, B.A. ’58

    Helen Shaffer, B.A. ’58

    Chuck Burke, B.A. ’59, M.A. ’62

    Joe Carney, M.A. ’59

    Bud Cook, M.A. ’59

    Ken Kempf, B.A. ’59

    Jerry McKenzie, B.A. ’59

    Ron Tarket, B.S. ’59, M.A. ’66

    Barbara Trimmer, B.A. ’59, M.A. ’64

    Earl Wullschleger, B.A. ’59, M.A. ’62

    Milton Negus, M.A. ’59 

  • 1960s

    Harold Johnson, B.A. ’60

    Wayne Merritt, B.A. ’60

    Bernetta Ruchotzke, B.A. ’60

    George Sneddon, B.A. ’60, M.A. ’62

    Jim Christopher, B.A. ’61

    Larry Downey, M.A. ’61

    Rosemary Fri, M.A. ’61

    Gordon Gartner, M.A. ’61

    Mary Lambert, B.A. ’61

    Clara Larsen, B.A. ’61

    Susan LeDuke, B.A. ’61

    Patti O’Brien, B.A. ’61

    Eldon Reyer, B.A. ’61

    Jack Varner, M.A., 61

    Duane Wagner, B.A. ’61, M.A. ’62

    Beverly Wickstrom-Potter, B.A. ’61, M.A. ’68

    Lilburn Wesche, Ed.D. ’61

    Darlene Bruner, B.A. ’62

    Coleen Davis, B.A. ’62

    Barney Demicell, B.A. ’62

    Delsie Foreman, M.A. ’62

    Norm Frenzel, Ed.D. ’62

    William Howe, M.S. ’62

    Bob Lind, B.A. ’62, M.A. ’66

    Joan Paris, B.A. ’62, M.A. ‘66

    Mildred Thomas, B.A. ’62

    Arlene Walding, B.A. ’62

    Carol Yung, B.A. ’62

    John Avila, B.A. ’63

    Gloria Collins, M.A. ’63

    Connie Dahlstet, B.A. ’63

    Nancy Friesen, B.A. ’63

    Charlene Lum, B.A. ’63

    Jerry Pederson, M.A. ’63

    Marcia Schatz, B.A. ’63

    Jim Titterington, M.A. ’63

    Robert Anderson, B.A. ’64, M.A. ’67

    Joe Bonacquista, B.A. ’64, M.A. ’66

    Dennis Carroll, M.A. ’64

    Robert (Bob) Morgan, B.A. ’64, M.A. ’68

    Jerry Palmer, B.A. ’64

    Leland Richards, B.A. ’64

    George Rusovick, B.A. ’64, M.A. ’68

    Larry Dunkle, B.A. ’65

    Larry Foos, B.A. ’65

    Bev Hadden, M.A. ’65

    Bob McNew, M.A. ’65

    Betty Nelson, M.A. ’65

    Dianna Pfeifer, B.A. ’65

    Rick Steffens, B.A. ’65

    Bruce Broderius, Ed.D. ’66

    Teresa Kistler, B.A. ’66

    Harry Sweda, M.A. ’66

    Kathy Tegtman, M.A. ’66

    Daniel Demski, B.A. ’67

    Daniel Gohmert, B.A. ’67, M.A. ’68

    Bob Harms, B.A. ’67, M.A. ’68

    James Jones, Ed.D. ’67

    Jim Kercher, B.A. ’67, M.A. ’69

    Larry Malsam, M.A. ’67

    Jeanne Mott, B.A. ’67

    George Plakorus, B.A. ’67

    Linda Shupe, M.A. ’67

    Janet Wolf, B.A. ’67, M.A. ’71

    Louise Clarke, B.A. ’68

    Sue Davisson, B.A. ’68, M.A. ’76, Ed.D. ’79

    Jeanne Gaynor, M.A. ’68

    Joseph Hudson, B.A. ’68

    Kaye Marsh, B.A. ’68

    Sandra McCalla, M.A. ’68

    Doreen Smith, M.A. ’68, Ed.S. ’78

    Wilbur Anderson, M.A. ’69

    Jim Bland, M.A. ’69

    Jeannie Blom, M.A. ’69

    John Fotheringham, Ed.D. ’69

    Tom Glasmann, B.A. ’69, M.A. ’72

    Sandy Graham, B.A. ’69

    Fannie Green, M.A. ’69

    Mary Hall, B.A. ’69

    Gary Howard, B.A. ’69

    Twanda Page, M.A. ’69

    Frank Randall, M.A. ’69

    Shirley Yauk, B.A. ’69, M.A. ’77   

  • 1970s

    Sue Bolinger, B.A. ’70

    Bart Farner, B.A. ’70

    Jacqueline Lockwood, B.A. ’70, M.A. ’77

    Neil Roberts, Ed.D. ’70

    Evelyn Santilli, B.A. ’70

    Virginia Taylor, M.A. ’70

    Jack Van Zytveld, M.A. ’70

    Ed Young, B.A. ’70

    John Arnold, B.A. ’71, M.A. ’72

    William Arnold, B.A. ’71

    Irene Betz, B.A. ’71

    Marietta Bliss, B.A. ’71

    Jane Cogswell, M.A. ’71

    Edward Fisk, M.A. ’71, Ed.D. ’75

    Donna Gersten, B.A. ’71

    Paul Lafkas, B.S. ’71

    Sharon McNitt, M.A. ’71

    Sharon Peterson, B.A. ’71, M.A. ’79

    Kathleen Pickard, B.A. ’71

    Bob Pyle, Ed.D. ’71

    Melvin Roy, Ph.D. ’72

    Ferrill Standage, M.A. ’71

    Jean Whitney, B.A. ’71, M.A. ’77

    Walter Clayton, B.S. ’72

    Joan Dvorak, B.A. ’72, M.A. ’73

    Jim Green, B.A. ’72

    Lewis Hinkley, B.A. ’72

    Mike Kinney, B.A. ’72

    Wally Moore, B.A. ’72

    Steve Sayre, Ed.D. ’72

    Janis Stanley, B.A. ’72

    Charles Tutor, B.S. ’72, M.A. ’73, Ed.D. ’85

    Russ Wells, B.A. ’72

    Dorothy Yaden, B.A. ’72, M.A. ’77

    Chris Brown, B.A. ’73

    Ken Elder, B.A. ’73

    Jack Faulkner, B.A. ’73, Ed.D. ’79

    Carolyn Gardner, B.A. ’73

    Bill Howard, B.A. ’73

    Neva Iseli, B.A. ’73

    Mary Ann Leber, B.A. ’73

    Mark MacFarlane, B.A. ’73

    Nancy MacKenzie, B.A. ’73

    Tim Redsull, B.A. ’73

    Jerry Rockett, M.A. ’73

    Dan Shanis, M.A. ’73

    Bob Aguiar, B.A. ’74

    Ginger Chacon, B.A. ’74

    Karen Dilka, B.A. ’74, M.A. ’79

    Terry James, B.S. ’74

    Juanita Scott, B.A. ’74

    Majd Sharify, B.A. ’74

    Terry Christensen, B.A. ’75

    Carol Doerner-Long, B.A. ’75

    Clare Foote, M.A. ’75

    Helen Kitchens, Ph.D. ’75

    Meg Miller, M.A. ’75

    Ella Simms, M.A. ’75

    James Brown, B.A. ’76, M.A. ’78

    Ronald Cady, B.A. ’76

    Bill Delo, M.A. ’76

    Robert Dingwall, Ed.D. ’76

    Sheryl Fanning, M.A. ’76

    Norma Gilmore, Ed.D. ’76

    Victoria Howard, B.A. ’76

    Bill Lombard, M.A. ’76

    Shirley Mertens, B.A. ’76, M.A. ’77

    Paula Pattschull, M.A. ’76

    Joseph VanWie, Ed.D. ’76

    Janet Wahlert, B.S. ’76

    Dana White, B.A. ’76

    Bill Winkle, B.A. ’76

    Janis Ackerman, M.A. ’77

    Jane Burner, M.A. ’77

    Jeanette DeHerrera, B.A. ’77

    Suzanne Fink, B.A. ’77

    Polly Jesse, B.S. ’77

    Cynthi Johnson, B.S. ’77

    Erie Johnson, Ed.D. ’77

    Barbara Johnson, M.A. ’77

    Dick Lemke, Ed.D. ’77

    Walter Schlegel, M.A. ’77, Ed.D. ’79

    Johnnie Williams, M.A. ’77

    George Case, M.A. ’78

    Sharon Thomas, B.S. ’78

    John Bartling, Ed.D. ’79

    Ronald Rehms, M.S. ’79 

  • 1980s

    Marvin Ballard, M.S. ’80

    Bill Blumberg, M.S. ’80

    Karen Mercer, M.A. ’80

    Kaye Monfort, B.S. ’80

    Louann O’Dell, M.A. ’80

    Michael Pauley, B.A. ’80, M.A. ’82

    Anna Rohrbacker, B.A. ’80

    Stanley Voth, M.A. ’80

    Lowell Huffman, B.A. ’81

    Cyrilla Haverkamp, B.S. ’82

    Neil Wahlert, B.M. ’82

    Christine White, B.A. ’82

    Sharon Arnusch, B.A. ’83

    Phyllis Garcia, Ed.D. ’83

    Jann King, M.A. ’83

    Stan Schroeder, B.A. ’83

    Laura Lockwood, B.S. ’84, M.P.H. ’97

    Sandy Sup, M.A. ’84

    Robert Fleming, B.A. ’85

    John DiFalco, M.A. ’86

    Marlys Dolan, B.A. ’86

    Sheila Godfrey, B.A.E. ’86

    Julie Samsel, B.A.E. ’86, M.A. ’00

    Kristi O’Shea, B.A. ’87

    Mark Sulzman, B.S. ’88

    Robert Young, Ed.D. ’88

    Lynn Wiggin, B.A.E. ’88

  • 1990s

    Mary Jurgensmeier, B.A.E. ’90

    Susan Buckley, M.A. ’91

    Vicky Krizan, B.S. ’91

    Carolyn Caudry, M.A. ’92

    Mark Hirschfeld, B.A. ’92

    Andrew Peterson, M.A. ’92

    Lori Schiek, B.S. ’92

    Greg Wentzel, B.A. ’92

    Randy Cook, M.S. ’93

    Malissa Gore, B.A. ’93

    Jenny Hall-Camacho, B.A. ’93, Ph.D. ’07

    Jerry Pluger, M.A. ’93

    Brandon Quinn, B.A. ’94

    Brian Randolph, B.A. ’94

    Amelia Roper, B.A. ’94

    Kathleen Siebrands, M.A. ’94

    Brent DeNeice, M.A. ’95

    John Gimlin, B.A. ’95

    Steve Adamson, B.A. ’97

    Mary Eby, M.A. ’97

    Heather Heintz, B.A. ’97

    Mary Johnson, M.A. ’97

    Karl Van Etten, Ed.D. ’97

    Chad Davis, B.S. ’98

    Susan Kushman, M.A. ’98

    Janice Herrera, B.A. ’99 

  • 2000s

    Cory McCrea, B.A. ’00

    Karen Carpenter, M.A. ’03

    Katie Olmstead, B.A. ’03

    Richard “John” Dellenbach, B.S. ’05

    Danielle Shields, B.S. ’05

    Nancy Jacobson, B.A. ’06

    Lisa Monroney, B.A. ’06, M.A. ’08

    David Nagle, B.A. ’06

  • 2010s

    Kory Nicastle, B.A. ’11

    Greg Johnson, B.A. ’13

    Dan Ritter, B.A. ’14

    Kori Mayfield, B.A. ’19

  • Faculty and Emeritus

    Charlie Poston

    Lee Shropshire

    Lloyd Worley

  • Tributes

    Rosemary Fri, M.A. ’61

    Legendary UNC administrator and trailblazer for Women’s Athletics

    Headshot of Rosemary Fri.

    The Bear community is deeply saddened by the passing of Rosemary Fri, M.A. ’61, a trailblazing figure in women’s athletics at UNC, who passed away on Aug. 11, at the age of 91.

    Fri’s journey with UNC began in 1959 when she arrived in Greeley to pursue her master’s degree at what was then Colorado State College. A Southern California native, Rosemary’s passion for education and athletics was evident early on. She earned her bachelor’s degree from UCLA in 1955, and after teaching in California, she made her way to Greeley, where she would leave an indelible mark on the university and its Athletics programs.

    In 1961, Fri joined UNC as a physical education instructor. Her dedication to advancing opportunities for women in sports was unwavering, and in 1965, she took on the role of coordinator of Women’s Athletics. Under her leadership, the program grew to include 10 sports, setting the stage for decades of success.

    One of Fri’s most significant contributions was the creation and growth of UNC’s Women’s Tennis and Volleyball programs. In 1963, nine years before the implementation of Title IX, Fri created the Women’s Tennis program and served as its only head coach for 42 years. In 1967, she also established the UNC Volleyball program. Her foresight and determination paved the way for the successes that the volleyball team continues to enjoy today. As current volleyball head coach Lyndsey Oates remarked, “Rosemary was a legend at UNC and truly a trailblazer for women’s sports. She was a wonderful mentor to me, and I was so blessed to coach alongside her in her last several years.”

    1984 UNC Tennis Team pose together with their tennis raquets.

    Fri’s impact extended beyond the tennis court and volleyball court. She was a mentor to countless student-athletes and colleagues, always giving more than expected and empowering those around her to succeed. Her dedication to her players and her passion for education earned her a place in the inaugural class of the UNC Athletics Hall of Fame in 1994.

    Even after her retirement, Fri remained a steadfast supporter of UNC athletics, attending games and events, and continuing to inspire those around her. Her love for the university and the community was evident in everything she did.

    In her memory, the Rosemary Fri Women’s Volleyball Scholarship endowment continues to support student-athletes, ensuring that her legacy of empowerment and excellence for female student-athletes lives on. Rosemary Fri will be remembered not only for her numerous achievements but also for her kindness, encouragement and unwavering dedication to others. She was, and always will be, a true pioneer.